<html><div style='background-color:'><P><BR><BR></P>
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<P>Your discussion is interesting</P>
<P>In under developped countries, for NGO's nor only the software but as well the datas for a GIS should be avalaible to help these organizations fulfill their commitments with municipalities wich are governements as well.</P>
<P>Especially since most of the times the datas collections existing at the national level have been obtained from international cooperation or United Nations affiliated organisations.</P>
<P>But it seems that datas are information and hence information is power.</P>
<P>Jacques Paré, </P>
<P>french canadian volunteer in El Salvador<BR><BR>P.S. the same situation exist for datas availability with provincial and federal autorities and it's a shame.</P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Michael Gould <gould@lsi.uji.es>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: gould@lsi.uji.es
<DIV></DIV>>To: Brent Wood <pcreso@pcreso.com>
<DIV></DIV>>CC: openchat@nzoss.org.nz, freegis-list@intevation.de
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: [Freegis-list] Geographic/spatial data policies
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 08:45:57 +0100
<DIV></DIV>>Let's start by freeing up that PDF! :-)
<DIV></DIV>>Seriously, free data is next on the to-do list. There are
<DIV></DIV>>precedents that we need to exploit: http://ocw.mit.edu and similar
<DIV></DIV>>There's also talk that the pharmaceutical industry is showing signs
<DIV></DIV>>of open source (data) collaboration: free up research results and
<DIV></DIV>>everyone (whole industry) wins. I think that Nash's (from movie A
<DIV></DIV>>Beautiful Mind) equilibrium principle (google it) applies in a
<DIV></DIV>>limited sense also...but we need real economists to help here.
<DIV></DIV>>Another good source of people studying open source everything, is
<DIV></DIV>>In the end the argument is economic, with a small e, that is,
<DIV></DIV>>freeing up data to improve economic development.
<DIV></DIV>>Read the first 7 words in Clinton's 1994 executive order (creating
<DIV></DIV>>NSDI)... no surprise.
<DIV></DIV>>Mike Gould
<DIV></DIV>>Brent Wood wrote:
<DIV></DIV>>>Hi all...
<DIV></DIV>>>While this list is primarily interested in Open Source Software, in
<DIV></DIV>>>some areas
<DIV></DIV>>>gov't funded data is the subject of a similar debate, regarding
<DIV></DIV>>>costs &
<DIV></DIV>>>distribution. Like my feelings on software, I believe the value of
<DIV></DIV>>>such data is
<DIV></DIV>>>in how widely it can be used, rather than how much money can be
<DIV></DIV>>>made from it,
<DIV></DIV>>>especially when the taxpayer funded the data collection in the
<DIV></DIV>>>first place.
<DIV></DIV>>>When it comes to OS GIS software, without good data, the software
<DIV></DIV>>>is of limited
<DIV></DIV>>>Anyway, a new book has been released which may be of interest. It
<DIV></DIV>>>discusses a
<DIV></DIV>>>range of issues & approaches:
<DIV></DIV>>>Licensing Geographic Data & Services
<DIV></DIV>>>by the National Research Council
<DIV></DIV>>>ISBN 0-309-09267-1 (book)
<DIV></DIV>>>ISBN 0-309-54457-2 (PDF)
<DIV></DIV>>>or read/skim online at http://books.nap.edu/catalog/11079.html
<DIV></DIV>>>Brent Wood
<DIV></DIV>>>Freegis-list mailing list
<DIV></DIV>>Michael Gould
<DIV></DIV>>Department of Information Systems
<DIV></DIV>>(Depto Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos) and TeIDE consortium
<DIV></DIV>>Universitat Jaume I, E-12071 Castellon (Spain)
<DIV></DIV>>e-mail: gould(AT)lsi.uji.es
<DIV></DIV>>http://www.mgould.com ** http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
<DIV></DIV>>Freegis-list mailing list
<DIV></DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Des mécanismes de contrôle parental puissants permettent à votre enfant de découvrir tout ce qu’Internet a à offrir. <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAFRCA/2749??PS=47575" target="_top">MSN Premium:</a> Adhérez maintenant et obtenez les deux premiers mois GRATUITS*</html>