[Freegis-list] OpenMap 4.5.4 has been released!

Don Dietrick dietrick at bbn.com
Thu Nov 14 14:12:22 CET 2002

We've released version 4.5.4 of OpenMap(tm) at


OpenMap is open source software.  New for this release:

         * Modified the openmap lauch scripts so they pick up any changes
         that may have been made to the version in the top level openmap
         directory.  In 4.5.3, the jar had to be rebuilt to contain the
         modified properties file for the changes to take effect.

         * MapBean changes.  Modified how the background color is handled
         in a MapBean.  If the background is not explicitly set in a
         MapBean, the background color of the projection will be used.  
         a background is set in a MapBean, that change now only affects
         that particular MapBean.  The OverviewMapHandler can now be set 
         listen to property changes of its source MapBean in case it 
         mimic background settings.  The background can now be set to a
         Paint object as well (use setBckgrnd() methods).

         * There is now a BufferedLayer that can act as a group layer,
         buffering all of its layers into an image.  There are settings
         that can manage how often the buffer is recreated, and these
         settings depend on if the image is transparent and how often the
         group layers repaint themselves between projection changes.

         * There is a BufferedLayerMapBean, which uses a BufferedLayer to
         contain all layers marked as background layers.  This 
         setting has been added to Layer.  When the BufferedLayerMapBean
         receives a new stack of layers, it reads them and adds the
         background layers to its BufferedLayer.  This really helps to
         increase repaint times.  This layer has not been added as the
         default MapBean in penMap because there isn't a good way to 
         the layers and notify the user why the layer order may not 
         the same way as it does elsewhere in the GUI.  A new LayersPanel
         is needed.  However, the BufferedLayerMapBean can be loaded into
         the application by using the -Ddebug.blmb flag.  Using the
         -Ddebug.bllp puts checkboxes in the LayersPanel so you can mark
         layers as background layers.

         * The com.bbn.openmap.tools.beanbox package was updated, and a 
         example package (com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox) was added to
         show how to configure and use the beanbox for drag and drop
         additions to the map.

         * EsriPlugIn got many changes and fixes.  The palette will 
         after the first dismissal, the horizontal scroll will appear and
         the table won't be compressed.  If the shp file is the only one
         specified, they the shx and dbf files are assumed to be next to
         it.  The files can be named as files, URLs or resources 
         pathnames).  EsriPlugIns can be created dynamically.

         * The Shape dataAccess package was modified.  Exports are more
         reliable and you can specify if the DBF file should be written.
         Sublists are only created for multipart geometries.  OMGraphics
         created from Shape file records will be held directly in the top
         level OMGraphicsList instead of being held in a sublist.  Null
         fields in the dbf file don't cause number exceptions.

         * The GraphicLoader concept was much refined, with the creation 
         an AbstractGraphicLoader that has a pre-defined timer, etc.  A
         GraphicLoader is a component that creates OMGraphics on it's own
         schedule, and then notifies a receiver to paint the
         OMGraphicList. The GraphicLoaderConnector is a component that
         lives in the MapHandler and looks for GraphicLoaders in the
         MapHandler that do not have a component that is receiving its
         OMGraphics.  If it finds on, it creates a
         PlugInLayer/GraphicLoaderPlugIn automatically to display objects
         on the map.

         * OMGraphic modifications:

         OMGraphics now have a notion of a TextureMask variable that can 
         used to hold a TexturePaint object.  If the TexturePaint object 
         some transparency in its image, the OMGraphic's fillPaint will
         show through the fill pattern.

         The OMRasterObjects now correctly update their Java Shapes
         correctly.  This fixes the problem where icons were not 
         to gestures.

         OMScalingRaster now has access to the clipping rectangle, a Java
         2D rectangle that specified what part of the image is on the 

         OMArrowHeads for OMLines have their wingtip and winglength
         attributes exposed so they can be adjusted.  Their rendering was
         improved with relation to matting, filling.

         OMGraphics were modified so that fill color matters with regard 
         distance.  Clear shapes will be treated as lines, without
         area. OMLines are never treated as being with area (affects 
         circle lines) no matter what the fillPaint settings are.

         * MouseModes can now provide an Icon.  The MouseModeButtonPanel
         can be used with those icons.  If a MouseMode doesn't provide an
         icon, an name will be used instead.

         * Modified the SVGFormatter so it gets all the individual layer
         graphics properly from a BufferedMapBean.

         * Eliot Lebsack from Mitre provided a couple of new classes -
         com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFileCrop, can create a new 
         file with shapes from a certain area of another Shape file, and
         com.bbn.openmap.gui.SaveAsVirtualImageMenuItem, which lets you
         set the size of an image to create from the current map.

         * The SaveAsMenuItems now add an image-appropriate suffix to 
         names when an image is saved.  They also check and confirm that 
         duplicate image will be overwritten.

         * The MapRequestHandler can now be set to use Layer visibility
         settings to determine what layers should be used for an image.

         * Misc layer improvements: Many Layers had properties renamed to
         not have a '.' in the front of them, and their setProperties
         methods have been modified to work with or without a property
         prefix. GraticuleLayer has font size property. DTED file
         components do better checking for null fields. ETOPOLayer 
         to read ETOPO2 data. LocationLayer has LayerHandlers access
         exposed. The RpfProductInfo now has catalog static methods to
         print out information on all of the various data types.

         * Fixed bug where gestures were not accessing information on
         AreaShapeLayer graphics where the attributes were loaded via a 

         * Fixed the OMDrawingToolLauncher so it receives its list of
         EditToolLoaders from the OMDrawingTool, instead of finding them 
         its own.

See http://openmap.bbn.com/com/bbn/openmap/ChangeLog for a list of 

OpenMap is a JavaBeans-based toolkit for building applications and 
needing geographic information.  Using OpenMap components, you can 
data from legacy applications, in-place, in a distributed setting.  At 
core, OpenMap is a set of Swing components that understand geographic
coordinates.  These components help you show map data and help you 
user input events to manipulate that data.

OpenMap is a trademark of BBNT Solutions LLC (a part of Verizon).

Don Dietrick, BBN Technologies
10 Moulton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 873-3200
openmap at bbn.com

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