[Freegis-list] Which OS GIS package to edit/query shapefiles?

Ugo Taddei taddei at lat-lon.de
Fri Dec 10 17:36:57 CET 2004

Hello Brent,

Brent Wood wrote:

>I have a coastline as a shapefile.
>I want to draw lines across various bays.estuaries & harbours to determine
>their areas.
>Is there an OS GIS tool that will let me graphically interact with the data,
>draw lines with the mouse, merge these lines with existing lines/polygons
>define the new polygons to derive the areas?
>I can see a way of using PostGIS by gridding the regions with small cells &
>running a query to sum the areas of the cells outside the coast &
>left/right/below/above certain locations but this is a very cumbersome
>approach, & is very non-graphical/interactive.
>I can't seem to do this with JUMP, in that I close a bay by moving one
>but can't get a clean topology with a new area (the bay) out of it.

That's right! By doing so you create an invalid geometry (a bow tie

My suggestions are:

1) You digitize (some of the) points along the bay margin, closing the
bay; then you let JUMP compute the area (a bit cumbersome...but you get a
lot of help from the snap feature);

2) You copy the poly into a new layer, closing the bay as you did (moving
a vertex) and then deleting the other vertices (*not* the ones forming the
margin) till you get a valid gemoetry (a bit of work...)


3) Send your question directly to the JUMP users-list

http://www.jump-project.org/ (see resources)

Hope that helps,


>This is frustrating as the operation is trivial with my commercial GIS
>which I'm trying to replace with OS GIS software.
>Any advice/help appreciated.
>Brent Wood
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