[Mapbender-users] Re: [pgsql-www] [Freegis-list] Re: [GENERAL] Map of Postgresql Users (OT)

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Wed Dec 7 08:30:26 CET 2005

Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Where are we on this?  Can we get it added to our web site?  Can we have
> usernames added to the map?

yes, both can be done. But our server and connectivity are sort of slow, 
so I was talking to some people whether they could host the services. 
This will take a few more days. Anybody interested in operating a 
spatial data infrastructure on stable servers (preferrably FreeBSD or 
some Linux) with good connectivity feel free to contact us.

Additionally we got lost in a few technical discussions about whether to 
implement the full scale service oriented standardized I-can-add-myself 
version using PostgreSQL with PostGIS (which I would really like to see 
as it promotes using PG as spatial data backend and also gives us GIS 
guys a chance to show off cool technology).

Claire favored an easy-to-use google-maps approach which would mean less 
effort getting to run (they have it all up and running) but less 
compatibility and unsolved copyright issues regarding the background maps.

Give us a few more days, by the weekend I will post a link so that 
people can have a look at it. The link will ship with a list of which 
software is being used and how it is configured. Ideally someone "near" 
the PostgreSQL homepage could operate the service (we GIS folks never 
stop considering spatial proximity).

What has to be done anyway is collect the coordinates of the users. It 
would be nice to not start off with a blank map. We can provide some 20 
users in Germany (most of them spatial). Either the name of a city or 
the decimal degree coordinates of the position will do.

Best, Arnulf.

> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>Claire McLister wrote:
>>>Good point. This might actually be a problem. Google Maps API requires 
>>>each server that is serving the map to be registered with Google, and 
>>>send the corresponding key when making the Javascript request.
>>>Unless the mirrors can each send their own keys, this will not work.
>>Hi, more cross posting...
>>Sounds like this task should be solved using WMS and WFS services. 
>>Google is cool but in order to foster both Open Source and standards 
>>(OGC) we would suggest to use e.g. MapServer as WMS to produce the maps 
>>and GeoServer as WFS to manage geomtries. Those OWS services could then 
>>be included in any OWS client, web interface, etc. Everything is there 
>>and ready to go, the effort to get it to run should be minimal.
>>Our clients usually operate PostgreSQL databases with several million 
>>geometries - those 500 to 600 markers could be hosted on any 
>>antediluvian box and still be fast. You will know what to about 
>>mirroring, we would probably suggest to implement P2P - read Ward 
>>Cunninghams ideas  int he keynote at the Wikimania conference this summer...
>>We have done the user mmapping Mapbender users with tooltips, direct 
>>link to the website, etc. You can have a look at it on the project 
>>homepage http://www.mapbender.org
>>Its done Wiki-style so that users can enter their own position (use the 
>>blue flag) or remove or edit any position (use the i-button). No user 
>>accounts yet but security and authentication is in place and have just 
>>not yet been necessary (still waiting for spatial spam...)
>>We will spread word about spatial data management using 
>>PostgreSQL/PostGIS with MapServer, GeoServer etc. at the 
>>http://www.opendbcon.net (database fundamentals) on Nov. 8. and 9. in 
>>Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
>>This idea is on short notice but i would be really very excited if i 
>>could show the map there! We suggest the following alterantive actions:
>>- It should be easy to add a geometry_column to the existing PostgreSQL 
>>database which alredy has the positions. Add a GeoServer WFS to access 
>>the geomtry and a MapServer for WMS display.
>>- Alternatively send Paolo or us or both the geo-positions and we add 
>>them to our existing OWS infrastructure (that will takt a few hours of 
>>work only).
>>Beause there is not so much time until the conference this would just be 
>>be a prototype which should in the long run move to the PostgreSQL or 
>>PostGIS homepage or Wiki or both. Yet another idea:  Mediawiki (the 
>>Wikipedia software) is also right now introducing geometries to the Wiki 
>>database - obviously also using PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This would be 
>>another cool multiplier.. and there we also meet with Google again.
>>Best, Arnulf.
>>>On Oct 26, 2005, at 6:02 PM, Robert Treat wrote:
>>>>On Wednesday 26 October 2005 18:24, Claire McLister wrote:
>>>>>On Oct 26, 2005, at 2:08 PM, Brent Wood wrote:
>>>>>>There has recently been a thread on the Postgres user list about a web
>>>>>>based postgres user/developer map. Claire has built a Google map based
>>>>>>system, getting locations from IP addresses.
>>>>>Just so people know, this map can be found at:
>>>>>  http://www.zeesource.net/maps/map.do?group=456
>>>>I'm going to loop in a few more people here :-), namely the pg web 
>>>>team who
>>>>will probably be able to give pointers on site integration. One thing 
>>>>to keep
>>>>in mind is that the postgresql website is statically mirrored onto a 
>>>>of different servers, so any solution we come up with will ideally allow
>>>>itself to that. I believe a google maps system can do this (we can 
>>>>mirror the
>>>>javascript code and the location/data file on all mirrors and the 
>>>>google map
>>>>will work with it as is), which is why I originally went with that 
>>>>type of
>>>>Robert Treat
>>>>Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL
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>>>Freegis-list at intevation.de
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>>TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>>       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>>       match

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