[Freegis-list] ogr2ogr: csv to shpefile (newby question)

Tomas Zajc tzajc at conae.gov.ar
Wed Dec 28 21:34:26 CET 2005

I could finally install gdal and ogr on slackware. I'm now trying to convert 
some csv to shapefiles. For that I'm using the following comand:

 ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" out coal.csv

where coal csv is:


I'm getting the following error:

ERROR 4: Unable to open out/coal.shp or out/coal.SHP

and an out directory with a coal.dbf file. I need to generate the three files.

I tried ogr2og on OS X and debian and I just get the dbf, with the difference 
that in OS X and debian I don't get the error message.

Any suggestion?

  Thanks Tomas

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