[Freegis-list] mapserver, need a recomendation

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jan 5 04:08:37 CET 2006

Sounds to me like you might want to take advantage of the adhoc tiling capabilities in MapServer. For example, you could have an index shapefile that contains one polygon covering the bounds for each dataset. In your case you might have the same polygon in the shapefile 365 times. For each record you might define an attribute called 'day' to store the day number (1-365). You could reference any specific days data by using a filter. A set of layer def might look like:

  NAME 'mydata_index'
  DATA 'mydata_index.shp'
  FILTER '364'

  NAME 'mydata'
  TYPE RASTER # or whatever
  TILEINDEX 'mydata_index'
  # ...you could have classes and such here...

Effectively this would access the raster referenced in the tile index where day=364 (Dec. 30th). This assumes you would draw each day the same way. You can alter the selected day by mucking with the value for FILTER.


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
>>> <tzajc at conae.gov.ar> 01/04/06 7:15 PM >>>
First of all thanks for all the answers I got for my previews question

I'm traying to publish some data using mapserver. The data chnages from
day to day and I would like to keep previous days published.
One easy way is ading layers on the.map file each time y update my data.
This would be fine but y don't know what would hapen when i get 365
layers (a hole year), is this any problem?
Another way is making a .map file for each day separated but I will have
some truoble lisyng them on a web page.
This is probable a job for php (or asp) in which I'm not skilled.

So the question is : is there any prblem adding to many layers on a .map
file. They will probably never been displayed all together.


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