[Freegis-list] INSPIRE directive on the way to enforce copyright on state-collected geo data

oceatoon@gmail.com oceatoon at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 11:22:32 CET 2006


Here's my 2 cents on all this and I apologise in advance if some 
organisations feel concerned but they should anyway.
Starting a petition is necessary for Inspire and all other OS projects , 
but first maybe we could write once again why geoData must be public 
domain in Europe because The Council really seem think headed and don't 
seem to understand the prejudice caused by closing all this info into 
the private sector:

    *  How can any European Spatial project develop a unified solution
      if first it has to fight with every single actor of the EU???  The
      EU needs an Inspired door to public geodata!!!
    *  In EU shouldn't the U have some sort of sharing meaning in it ?
      and not only be economical !!!
    * Limiting project developments potential because some actors are
      holding on to their crumbling thrown is suicidal and and simply
      leaves an open door  for smart working external to Europe
      companies to march on what belongs to Europe!!!
    * Today I get more data about Europe from the US than from Europe
      itself , does someone see a problem in that ??
    * Enhancing public geodata might give us developpers a starting
      point in catching up the gap (crator) with the Greatly managed
      American geoData providers (a great example of why and how data
      should be publicly shared). who ever the geo Council is please be
      courious enough to use google and type "USGS" , but be carefull
      you might discover what open data means!!!
    * Snow Ball effect, EU must give to receive and it still has a lot
      to learn of this philosophy
    * Standardise Europe Geographically !!! (see exmple below)

Maybe we could also start a list of european axed open source projects 
where we could say why not having a european  database is pulling the 
hand break on our projects.
www.open-atlas.org* : I could go into detail because the list of 
problems caused by not having public data central for europe  is long 
but I'll stick one meaningfull example : I needed to find a centralised 
document listing European countries with all provinces and regions. This 
was never found so we did it manuelly going to each entity on the web 
from many sources (wikipedia, many others...) because offcourse there is 
no standard on the  way countries are organised so every country has 
it's own structure and worse there are still some ancient structures 
mixed with more recent ones. Any way we put one person working 2 months 
full time night and day on a nerve breaking job to do this.

I have to stop here or I'll really get suicidal
Best Regards to all of you and to this movement
Tibor Katelbach

Benjamin Henrion wrote:

>Hi all,
>I exchanged several mails with the MEP rapporter on INSPIRE directive to
>know her position on copyright issues and amendments.
>It will not be possible to introduce new amendments in second reading as
>far as I can see, so if the INSPIRE directive is adopted, this one will
>enforce copyright on state-collected geo data in all member states of
>the EU.
>The Council has reached a majority in supporting copyright for
>state-collected geo data, and this issue of Public Domain Vs strong
>copyright has not been discussed by civil society organisations.
>If this directive will go through without any resistance from the civil
>society or the industry, you can forget about geo-data in the public
>domain for the future.
>Benjamin Henrion <bh at udev.org>
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