[Freegis-list] New version of gvSIG project now available: gvSIG 0.6 (stable)

Mario Carrera carrera_marrod at gva.es
Wed Mar 29 14:23:41 CEST 2006

The gvSIG team is proud to announce that the new release, gvSIG 0.6, is
available for the community (http://www.gvsig.gva.es). gvSIG, the free
GNU/GPL-licensed Geographic Information System of the Generalitat Valenciana
(Valencian Government), is a tool oriented to the handle geographic information
that can access to the most usual vector and raster formats, from either local
or remote (Internet) sources.
It is available in the downloads section of the project's web page
(http://www.gvsig.gva.es/ingles/descargasw/descarga_software.htm) and includes
the new features listed bellow: 

 Web Services (OGC)

      -	The clients of two new web services are integrated:
              o	Catalogue Service: In a Spatial Data Infrastructure, this is a
basic service that helps to search and find cartographic data
              o	Nomenclature Service (Gazetteer): Helps to localise positions on
the basis of toponymy and geographic names

      -	Several features of the WMS client have been improved:
              o	More user-friendly interface
              o	Complete information about every layer of the WMS server
              o	Style formatting
              o	Support of temporal dimensions
              o	Possibility to configure the intern order of the layer rendering
              o	Layers of the table of contents are manageable from the context

 Supported data formats:

      -	The feature “Export to raster” supports two new data formats:
              o	jpeg (georeferenced)
              o	jpeg2000 (georeferenced)

 Raster layers:

      -	The pansharpening tool helps to increase the resolution of satellite
images, if they are panchromatic.

Type of data sources:

      -	It is possible to create layers on the basis of a table that contains
coordinates. The resulting layer will contain a point for every pair of
coordinates. Furthermore, any change of the table coordinates will modify
automatically the position of the points.  

Additionally, the Gallego language has been added to the application's interface
following one of the project's priorities: the internationalization.


Mario Carrera Rodríguez
Grupo SIG-CAD / gvSIG
Servicio de Organización e Informática
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia (España) 

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