[Mapit-de] MapIt configuration...

Starcevic Gordan gordan.starcevic at datatrak.at
Sat Mar 2 20:11:27 CET 2002

Dear Sirs,

I was reading the MapInfo manuals and I reached certain level of developing
own MapIt application, but I don't know what to do further.

Therefore I will explain what I have done until now:

To prepare necessary software I downloaded and installed:
- german version of MapIt "mapit-1.0.1-1-de.exe"
- program Imagemagick "ImageMagick-win2k.zip" (for converting bmp, jpg etc.
files to eps, ps etc. files) 
- Programms Ghostscript "gs704w32.exe" and Ghostwiev "gsv42w32.exe"
- Editor program WinEdit (this editor has option to search the line by the
line number (Ctrl+g)) 

I also sucessfully installed MapIt demo application on my WinNT 4.0 PC and
it worked.

Then I started to prepare own MapIt application with the default values and
faced with problems:

I produced one picture in BMP format. This picture shows one map.
I converted this image with the programm "imagemagick" to one eps file using
command: convert aus.bmp aus.eps
I moved the new aus.eps file into the c:\programme\mapit\src\tools directory
and being in this directory I started at the dos prompt the program epscut
with the command: c:\programme\mapit\python\python epscut aust2.eps 

The result in the dos screen looks like this:
gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r72 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -q  -sOutputFile=C:\TEMP\~228-2
-g400x253 -c "1.098901 1.100000 scale 0.000000 0.000000 translate
/oldshowpage /showpage load def /showpage {} def"  -faust2.eps -c
oldshowpage quit
Der Befehl ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden
werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise und die Umgebungsvariable
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "epscut", line 284, in ?
  File "epscut", line 280, in main
   make_tile_hierarchy(epsfile, basedir, factors, regions, overview_size)
  File "epscut", line 252, in make_tile_hierarchy
   factors[i], region, reference size) 
  File "epscut", line 189, in render_tiles
   alpha=alpha, indexed=1)
  File "epscut", line 115, in render_tile
   image = PIL.Image.open(temp)
  File ".\Image.py", line 879, in open
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\TEMP\\~230-1

The only result of the above command was two directories (as specified in
epscut as default), but they were empty (only the first directory had file
info with two numbers in it). 

Could please somebody tell me what is wrong here and what I missed to do?
What should I and where change?
How and where to put information about real coordinates relevant to the map
in the image and later to the markers? 
If error is in *.eps file, what should I change there? 
Is it possible to download somewhere one sample of one eps file that works

Thank you in advance!


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