[Mapserver-DE] Brasilianische MapServer site

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Don Apr 8 14:04:47 CEST 2004

Hier weitere Informationen über die Brasilianische Site, die Eduardo 
Patto mir zuschickte.



Subject: Re: Brazilian site
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 08:54:07 -0300
From: Eduardo Patto Kanegae <eduardo at consultoria.eti.br>
To: Jan Hartmann <jhart at frw.uva.nl>
References: <40741046.6080506 at frw.uva.nl> 
<4074BC30.50805 at consultoria.eti.br> <407537EA.7010802 at frw.uva.nl>

The MapServer Brazil Project ( "Projeto MapServer Brasil" ) is coming up
by an Univali initiative. The mail goals of project is to promote
MapServer diffusion in Brazil.
The start of work began some time ago when they made the Oracle Spatial
driver for MapServer.
In the end of last year they made the translation of MapServer
pages(except documentation) to portuguese.
Now, the best of party will be the 1st MapServer Brazilian Meeting in
september this year. Steve Lime will be the keynote speaker.
And of course I have to thank Kari Geurts and Tom Burk by putting me in
contact with Univali( I didn't know about their work) for putting
together our efforts. Last month I made the transfer of the Fo'rum
ptMapServer ( which was at my site at
www.consultoria.eti.br/mapserverptforum ) to the Univali server.

Since the MapServer project is growing up and up every day, I think this
is the new natural process: regional groups will start to come up. just
like was with Linux and other free software projects.

I hope to be in Canada this year at 2nd MUM.

best regards,


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