[Mapserver-DE] WG: [F/OSS-Community] CfP: OSS track at EURAM 2005, Munich

Michel.Garand@frankfurt-oder.de Michel.Garand at frankfurt-oder.de
Die Dez 21 13:23:03 CET 2004

sorry for cross postings!

> ----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von "Henkel, Joachim"
> <henkel at bwl.uni-muenchen.de> -----
>     Datum: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 14:29:08 +0100
>     Von: "Henkel, Joachim" <henkel at bwl.uni-muenchen.de>
>  Betreff: [F/OSS-Community] CfP: OSS track at EURAM 2005, Munich
>       An: community at opensource.mit.edu
> Dear OSS Folks,
> the 2005 European Academy of Management Conference will be held in Munich,
> May
> 4-7th. http://www.euram2005.de/
> As organizers of the track "Open source and open innovation", we invite
> you to
> submit papers on this topic. The detailed cfp is attached (online: 
> http://www.euram2005.de/site/2_dates_papers_list.htm#20). 
> The Technical University of Munich is a great place to host EURAM, and
> Munich in
> May is a wonderful city. So do consider submitting your work!
> Best regards,
> Paul A. David, Joachim Henkel, Henning Madsen, Michèle Morner, Margit
> Osterloh,
> Ralf Reichwald, John P. Ulhøi
> ----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----
>  <<CfP - EURAM2005 - Open source open innovation.pdf>> 
best regards

Michel Garand
Stadt Frankfurt (Oder)
Abteilung Stadtentwicklung
> Amt für Strategie, Wirtschafts- und Stadtentwicklung
Goepelstrasse 38, D-15234 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)335 / 552-6016
Fax: +49 (0)335 / 552-6099
michel.garand at frankfurt-oder.de	

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URL         : http://www.intevation.de/pipermail/mapserver-de/attachments/20041221/18bcd195/CfP-EURAM2005-Opensourceopeninnovation.pdf

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