[Mapserver-DE] konvertierungstools

Peter Korduan peter.korduan at uni-rostock.de
Die Feb 14 13:41:16 CET 2006

Hallo Liste,


manchmal findet man ganz nützliche Dinge.


Unter http://www.spatialorder.com/tools/ findet man Konverter mit dem Namen:

dxf2shp.exe gml2shp.exe sdf2shp.exe shp2dxf.exe shp2gml.exe shp2wkt.exe


Der Autor Jatin Pandya bestätigte mir, dass die Software zwar nicht Freie
Software ist, aber frei genutzt werden kann (außer Verkauf und Änderung)


gml2shp funktioniert soweit. Die anderen habe ich noch nicht getestet.


Vielleicht kann ja der eine oder andere das gebrauchen. Danke Jatin.


Listen unter freegis oder opensourcegis geht wohl nicht, weil nur FS und
nicht OSS. Irgendwo anders listen, bei utilities?


Gruß Peter



I don't mind if these tools are listed at the opensourcegis.org or
freegis.org. Unfortunately, I am not able to release the sorucecode for
these tools because they are not opensource. 


Since these tools are free for use and distribution, I think they could be
listed at freegis.org site. In any case, I don't have any objections if they
are listed at those sites. 







Thanks for this positive information. I will hardly respect your restriction
on your software.


Are you interested to list your software at 


http://www.opensourcegis.org/ and/or http://www.freegis.org/


to make it available for a wider range of users?


It was an accident for me to find it unlisted.


Best regards back to your, thanks again, 


Peter Korduan


Hi Peter,


There is no restriction on the use and distribution of these tools, as long
as they are not modified or reverse-engineered. Also, you should not sell
them, or charge any money for its use or disribution. 


Feel free to download and use them if you agree to the above terms. 


Best regards,


Jatin Pandya


Hi Jatin, Pandya,

i have found your spatial order home page and the „nice to have" tools.


There aren’t a lot of information at your site. How are you. Are there any
constraints to use your software?

Dr.-Ing. Peter Korduan

Universität Rostock, Institut für Management ländlicher Räume
Professur für Geodäsie und Geoinformatik
Justus v. Liebig Weg 6, 18059 Rostock
Tel.: ++49-381-4982164, Fax: ++49-381-4982188
WWW: http://www.auf.uni-rostock.de/gg/korduan


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