[Mapserver-DE] Help on MapServer encoding
Silke Reimer
Silke.Reimer at intevation.de
Die Jun 27 16:52:17 CEST 2006
Diese E-Mail bezieht sich wohl auf die E-Mail auf dieser Liste unter
[1]. Ich denke, so lange so eine Anfrage die Ausnahme bleibt, ist
eine Antwort auf englisch wohl OK :-)
Hi Francesco,
On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 06:17:54PM +0200, Martinelli at pi.ingv.it wrote:
> Hello,
> I saw an your email with an answer about the encoding issue, but
> unfortunately I don't know the german, so I understood very little about
> it.
> Could you please help in English?
> This is the problem:
> ====================
> I take textual data used by Mapserver by a PostgreSql database.
> If I try to access this textual data via PHP, I can take the data with the
> correct encoding using the function:
> pg_set_client_encoding($DB_connection, 'LATIN1');
> However I don't find a way to instruct MapServer about this.
I have not tested the following instruction but I had a short look
on the source code and it seems that it is possible to pass
additional variables to the mapserver via options="-c <parameter>=<value>".
With options you should be able to set all variables which you can
also set by the environment variable PGOPTIONS (see PostgreSQL
documentation for further details.)
In your case you could try to set the encoding via
CONNECTION "dbname=<dbname> host=<host> user=<user> options='-c client_encoding=LATIN1'"
I hope this helps.
Many greetings,
[1] http://freegis.org/pipermail/mapserver-de/2004-May/000289.html
Silke Reimer : www.intevation.de/~silke | GISpatcher: www.gispatcher.de
Intevation GmbH: www.intevation.de | Thuban : thuban.intevation.org
Georgstr.4 : 49074 Osnabrück | FreeGIS : www.freegis.org
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