[Mapserver-DE] UMN und Google Maps

Flavio Hendry flavio at tydac.ch
Fre Sep 8 07:43:58 CEST 2006

hallo jörg

diese nutzung ist erlaubt. soweit ich es sehe, wenn man das API benutzt
as is, und den zugriff nicht beschränkt, ist es kein problem:

"Can I add maps from Google Maps to my site? 

Yes, you can. The Google Maps API is available for implementation on any
site that is free for consumer use. You can learn more about the Google
Maps API at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/ and
"implementation on any site" ist ziemlich klar. was immer sein muss, ist
"public access", also darf der zugriff in keinster weise behindert
werden. sonst ist mehr oder weniger alles erlaubt.

- bemerke hier das "in conjunction with other information", das können
auch andere karten und eigene layer sein:
"You may use the API to display map images in conjunction with other
information You provide to end users."
- und:
"The API may be used only for services that are generally accessible to
consumers without charge."
- und, bei imagery:
"You may not, nor may you allow others to, copy, distribute, display,
alter, or otherwise use, this photographic imagery except as it is
provided to you through the Service"
- alledings kommt hier dann willkür ...:
"Google reserves the sole right and discretion to determine whether your
display of photgraphic images through the Service is in conformance with
this Section, and also reserves the right to terminate or suspend your
access to photographic imagery at any time for any reason, without notice."
- und das wird garantiert kommen:
"Advertising. The Service does not include advertising in the maps
images. However, Google reserves the right to include advertising in the
maps images provided to You through the Service, but will provide You
with ninety (90) days notice prior to the commencement of advertising."

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry

TYDAC Web-Site:  http://www.tydac.ch
TYDAC MapServer: http://www.mapserver.ch
############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############             mailto:flavio at tydac.ch
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####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
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