[Intevation News] Kolab wins "Best Groupware Server" Award

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Thu Nov 17 11:44:23 CET 2005

Frankfurt, 15th of November 2005

	Kolab wins "Best Groupware Server" Award

Kolab has been given the Linux New Media Award 2005
in the category 'Best Groupware Server'. The jury
chose Kolab on top of contenders like Openexchange,
OpenGroupware, GroupWise, eGroupWare, Scalix and Lotus Notes.
This was revealed during a ceremony Tuesday evening
at the LinuxWorld Expo 2005 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Within three years of its existence,
Kolab has grown to be a respected groupware that was
also mentioned positively in both editions of
Migration Guidelines for public administrations
of the Germany Ministry of the Interior.

"While the focus is on enterprise users, many others have
meanwhile come to appreciate our approach!" 
says Bernhard Reiter from the Kolab-Konsortium.
"It is attractive because Kolab offers a modern, scalable
server with a choice of clients for numerious platforms
including KDE Kontact and full Microsoft Outlook suport."

The jury consisted of about 200 experts selected by Linux New
Media, a publisher of 14 regular magazines about GNU/Linux.
The Awards are given out yearly in changing categories to
recognise most significant product, project or organisations.
Bernhard Reiter was also nominated to be part of the
jury for the award, but abstained from any voting.

About Kolab:
Kolab is a groupware and email solution
that integrates proven Free Software components.
In Fall 2002 the project started aiming at environments
with both, GNU/Linux and Windows desktops.
The design allows the integration with other products, e.g.
directory and management services like dirActory, GOsa, or LAM.

About Kolab-Konsortium:
The Kolab-Konsortium offers commercial maintenance, support,
consulting and development for Kolab. Members are Intevation,
erfrakon and Klarälvdalens Datakonsult. Recently a partnership
was announced to integrate Kolab into Univention's Coporate
Server offering.

Press Contact
	Jan-Oliver Wagner
	+49 541 33508 55
	Jan-Oliver.Wagner at intevation.de

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