[Intevation News] Free data of Osnabrück contributed to OpenStreetMap

benni kirschner benni.kirschner at intevation.de
Fri Oct 19 18:52:29 CEST 2007

Free data of Osnabrück contributed to OpenStreetMap

Vector data of the City of Osnabrück, Germany has been contributed
to OpenStreetMap [1] (OSM). The data was created 2003 during the Frida [2] 
project led by Intevation GmbH [3] and in cooperation with lat/lon GmbH and 
the City itself. 

Result of the project was a digital streetmap of an European city, 
which is free to use, improve and copy for non-commercial and commercial 

"The project has been a great success", says Jan-Oliver Wagner, Managing 
Director of Intevation. The data is used in powerful Free Software 
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) like Thuban [4], GRASS [5] and 
other applications. It proofed especially useful for improving
the software and teaching GIS. To contribute the data to OSM,
Intevation has converted the dataset and re-published it
under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 2.0 license.

OpenStreetMap allows users to create and maintain data all by themselves.
It provides for geodata, what a wiki software provides for text.
With a simple GPS-device anybody can record waypoints, and then use a computer
to add attribute information. Up to do day, more than 9 billion waypoints 
have been uploaded by OSM users this way.

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Main_Page/
[2] http://frida.intevation.org/index.en.html/
[3] http://www.intevation.net/
[4] http://thuban.intevation.org/
[5] http://grass.itc.it/index.php

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