CVS: fixed tests; minor manual editing

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Aug 16 16:52:06 CEST 2005

Hi Jakson,

Am 15. Aug 2005 um 20:40:28 schrieb Jakson Aquino:
> Em Monday 15 August 2005 08:13, Bernhard Reiter escreveu:
> > Do you call "join" or "awk" directly from statist?
> > Usually this would be done by the user.
> No, I don't call "join" and "awk" directly from statist.

ah, good.

> > I am unshure if we should add tests for this as statist
> > does not do it. But it would be interesting to have example
> > scripts for people to use.
> The test included "awk" and "join" because I wanted to check whether the
> instructions that I wrote on the manual really work as I described. I was
> testing the user manual, not only statist. 

Okay, this is good, though I am considering to move those tests
into the doc directory under tests/ or so.

> The fixed width data file that I
> created had some empty spaces where they normally are not found in real fixed 
> width data files. This wasn't tested with the PNAD database that I used 
> before to test --xcols. I can create a directory doc/example with some 
> scripts and sample data files (but after the release of 1.3.0).

This is also fine.

> I liked the use of tests. They increase our trust in the code that we are
> writting. Next time I add a feature to statist I will first write the result
> as it have to be, and, then, write the code.

Yes, I also really like it, this is the reason why I started it
when redoing some of the memory stuff.

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