
Jakson A. Aquino jaksonaquino at
Thu Nov 17 08:00:00 CET 2005

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 02:41:45PM +0100, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Am 13. Nov 2005 um 21:22:57 schrieb Jakson A. Aquino:
> > I'm developing a color scheme for statist. The use of colors
> > will be optional. 
> Good idea.
> Make sure that it will not contain vital information as many people
> cannot distinquish colors.

OK! I'll not add any feature that depends on colors. And the
colors are really optional. They must be explicitly
> Note that it probably is hard to get this right in a compatible way,
> because all the different terminal capabilities.

Yes, I only know to produce colors in the GNU/Linux terminal
emulators, and I don't think that colors are really
important. I only added them to make the output more funny.


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