Statist 1.3.2 Released

Jakson A. Aquino jaksonaquino at
Mon Dec 12 02:51:52 CET 2005

Lightweight statist(ical) application release!

Statist 1.3.2 is available! And now with colors!

  This is a new development quality release

  The statist community likes your feedback,
  e.g. on the mailinglist available from the homepage.

What is Statist?

  Statist is a small and portable statistics program written in C.
  It is terminal-based, but can use Gnuplot for plotting purposes.
  Scripting is possible and Statist handles big datasets
  reasonably well on small machines. It is also easy to use due to
  its interactive menu, being a very handy tool also for those who
  do not use statistics every day.

  Statist is Free Software under GNU GPL v>=2.


  The statist user manual is available in both English and

  The German documentation is partially outdated, but it contains
  information about the statistical functions and the way the
  program works that are not covered by the new user manual.


  Statist is very portable.  It can be compiled in practically any system
  with any C compiler. However, and the system must have libintl and
  libiconv to compile the program with support for languages other than
  English.  If gnuplot is installed, statist can create graphics.

  Some GNU core utils -- gawk and sort -- are useful additions to
  prepare databases for use with Statist.


  Statist source code is available at its homepage:


  * When answering a question of the kind "y/N", if the user press
    <Enter>, it will be assumed that the answer is "No". Until
    version 1.3.1, pressing <Enter> would cancel the action. This
    new behavior may break some scripts.


  * Colorized output. The colors are optional and customizable.
    This feature is not available if statist is compiled under

  * Added directory "examples", with some data files that will
    make statist easier for first time users.

  * Graphics labels no longer include the string "STATIST: ".
    Instead, users can easily add their own (optional) string,
    which can include single quotes, double quotes and line
    breaks ("\n").

  * Almost all fatal errors were converted into normal errors
    while statist is running interactively. Wrong command line
    options, including wrong data file name, still is considered a
    fatal error because this is the quickest way of giving to
    users a second chance of passing the correct parameters.
    However, after succesfuly started, statist should never quits
    abruptly. The only exception is if it runs out of memory.

  * Commands sent to gnuplot are saved and are listed when the
    user chooses "Enter gnuplot commands". Users no longer need to
    know gnuplot syntax to make simple changes in the graphics
    (labels, colors, etc...).


  * The options --xcols and --xsample no longer must be the first
    parameter passed to statist. This closes the bug reported on
    November 4, 2005.

  * Replaced the function tmpnam() with tmpfile() to avoid gcc
    warning that statist uses a dangerous function.

  * The probit analysis was opening the already opened file
    statist.log and, then, closing it. Fixed.

  * Fixed bug in "List data of columns". Big values could cause
    buffer overrun.

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