Statist 1.4.1 Released

Jakson A. Aquino jalvesaq at
Sat Dec 2 21:55:02 CET 2006

Lightweight statist(ical) application release!

Statist 1.4.1 is available!

  The statist community likes your feedback. You can send your
  message to the mailing list available from the homepage.


  Statist is a small and portable statistics program written in C.
  It is terminal-based, but can use Gnuplot for plotting purposes.
  Scripting is possible and Statist handles big datasets
  reasonably well on small machines. It is also easy to use due to
  its interactive menu, being a very handy tool also for those who
  do not use statistics every day.

  Statist is Free Software under GNU GPL v>=2.


  The statist user manual is available in both English and

  The German documentation is partially outdated, but it contains
  information about the statistical functions and the way the
  program works that are not covered by the new user manual.


  Statist is very portable.  It can be compiled in practically any
  system with any C compiler. However, and the system must have
  libintl and libiconv to compile the program with support for
  languages other than English.  If gnuplot is installed, statist
  can create graphics.

  Some GNU core utils -- gawk and sort -- are useful additions to
  prepare databases for use with Statist.


  Statist source code is available at its homepage:


 * Statist now can open csv files. It will try to discover whether
   the file has a header with column names, what is the field
   separator, and what is the decimal separator. If necessary,
   these parameters might be set using command line options.

 * Gnuplot graphics now can have strings with letters of different
   alphabets if the environment charset is UTF-8 and the user
   chooses UTF-8 as the "gnuplot_charset" in the statistrc file.
 * Added menu item "Save last gnuplot graphic as png".

 * Added statistrc options "gnuplot_default_term" and

 * Do not add the string "#%" to files created with --xcols if
   either the command line option --header was used or the
   statistrc option autodetect_header is active.


 * No longer crashing if gnuplot isn't installed and the user
   tries to run a graphic.
 * No longer crashing on menu item 4.1 if there is a "nan" value
   in the datafile. Now, the string "nan" is read as missing
 * Fixed wrong alignment of columns in "Frequency table", "Compare
   means", and "Show data of columns" when the locale charset was
   UTF-8, and there is non-ascii characters.
 * The min and max values chosen by the user in menu item 4.1
   now are used used even if the number of classes wasn't chosen
 * Partial correlation with five variables now prints some
   correlations that were missing in the output.
 * The function extract_cols() now correctly extract non-numeric
   values from fixed width column files, but outputs a warning if
   such a value is found.
 * "Yes/No" questions might be answered in the language that
   statist is running.
 * The alert character (^G) no longer is written to statist.log.
 * Fixed crash in out_r() on AMD64 when the option --log was
 * Removes the GPL_DAT file when the user sends to gnuplot the
   "quit" command.
 * Michael Gebhardt translated the new strings into German.

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