joey: thuban/Extensions/wms,1.7,1.8 cvs at
Thu Apr 15 09:14:28 CEST 2004

Author: joey

Update of /thubanrepository/thuban/Extensions/wms
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv27359

Modified Files: 
Log Message:
Moved the WMS layer into in order to establish a clean

RCS file: /thubanrepository/thuban/Extensions/wms/,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
---	13 Apr 2004 17:38:26 -0000	1.7
+++	15 Apr 2004 07:14:25 -0000	1.8
@@ -13,11 +13,6 @@
 layer into Thuban via an extension.
 Some things are not wired, so be prepared for Exceptions
-You will need PyOGCLib 0.1.0, see
-Set the PYTHONPATH to the PyOGCLib directory before
-starting Thuban.
 __version__ = "$Revision$"
@@ -28,204 +23,20 @@
 from wxPython.wx import *
-from ogclib.WMSClient import WMSClient
-from Thuban.Model.layer import BaseLayer
 from Thuban.Model.proj import Projection
 from Thuban.Model.extension import Extension
-from Thuban.Model.resource import get_system_proj_file, EPSG_PROJ_FILE, \
 from Thuban.UI.command import registry, Command
 import Thuban.UI.mainwindow
-from Thuban.UI.common import ThubanBeginBusyCursor, ThubanEndBusyCursor
 from Thuban import _
 import Thuban.UI.baserenderer
-from capabilities import WMSCapabilities
-def epsg_code_to_projection(epsg):
-    """Find the projection for the given epsg code.
-    epsg -- EPSG code as string
-    """
-    proj_file, warnings = get_system_proj_file(EPSG_PROJ_FILE)
+from layer import WMSLayer
-    for proj in proj_file.GetProjections():
-        if proj.EPSGCode() == epsg:
-            return proj
-    proj_file, warnings = get_system_proj_file(EPSG_DEPRECATED_PROJ_FILE)
-    for proj in proj_file.GetProjections():
-        if proj.EPSGCode() == epsg:
-            return proj
-    return None
 class WMSExtension(Extension):
     def TreeInfo(self):
         return (_("Extension: %s") % self.title,
                 [ object.TreeInfo() for object in self.objects ])
-class WMSLayer(BaseLayer):
-    def __init__(self, title, url):
-        """Initializes the WMSLayer.
-        title -- Title of this layer.
-        url -- URL of the WMS-Server wich must contain '?'
-        If an error occured, self.error_msg is a string describing
-        the problem(s). Else, self.error_msg is None.
-        """
-        BaseLayer.__init__(self, title, visible = True, projection = None)
-        self.url = url
-        self.bbox = None
-        self.latlonbbox = None
-        self.error_msg = None
-        self.layer_name = None
-        self.capabilities = None
-        # Change the cursor to demonstrate that we're busy but working
-        ThubanBeginBusyCursor()
-        self.capabilities = WMSCapabilities(url)
-        ThubanEndBusyCursor()
-        # name of the top layer of the remote map
-        foo = self.capabilities.getLayers()
-        if len(foo) == 0:
-            self.error_msg = _('No layers found in remote resource:\n'\
-                               '%s') % url
-            return
-        top_layer = foo[0]
-        self.layer_name = top_layer
-        # first projection of the top layer
-        foo = self.capabilities.getLayerSRS(top_layer)
-        if len(foo) == 0:
-            self.error_msg = _('No LatLonBoundingBox found for top layer %s')\
-                             % top_layer
-            return
-        top_srs = foo[0]
-        # BoundingBox of the top layer
-        bbox = self.capabilities.getLayerBBox(top_layer, top_srs)
-        if len(bbox) == 0:
-            self.error_msg = _('No BoundingBox found for layer %s and EPSG:')\
-                             % (top_layer, top_srs)
-            return
-        self.bbox = (float(bbox['minx']),
-                     float(bbox['miny']),
-                     float(bbox['maxx']),
-                     float(bbox['maxy']))
-        # LatLonBox of the top layer
-        bbox = self.capabilities.getLayerLatLonBBox(top_layer)
-        self.latlonbbox = (float(bbox['minx']),
-                           float(bbox['miny']),
-                           float(bbox['maxx']),
-                           float(bbox['maxy']))
-        # get projection
-        p = epsg_code_to_projection(top_srs)
-        self.SetProjection(p)
-        if p is None:
-            self.error_msg = _('EPSG projection code %s not found!\n'\
-                               'Setting projection to "None".\n'\
-                               'Please set an appropriate projection yourself.'\
-                               % top_srs)
-        # pre-determine the used format
-        self.wmsformat, self.format = \
-            self.calcFormat(self.capabilities.getFormats())
-        if self.wmsformat is None:
-            self.error_msg = \
-                _('No supported image format found in remote resource')
-            return
-        # get and set the title
-        self.SetTitle(self.capabilities.getTitle().encode('latin1', 'replace'))
-    def LatLongBoundingBox(self):
-        """Return the layer's bounding box in lat-lon.
-        """
-        return self.latlonbbox
-    def BoundingBox(self):
-        """Return the layer's bounding box in the intrinsic coordinate system.
-        """
-        return self.bbox
-    def getFormat(self, format):
-        """
-        Return the image format for the render engine
-        format -- format as returned by the WMS server
-        If no mapping was found, None is returned
-        An exception rule is implemented in order to not accept
-        image/wbmp or WBMP which refers to WAP bitmap format and is
-        not supported by the included render engine.
-        """
-        fmap = {'png' : "PNG",
-                'jpeg': "JPEG",
-                'jpg' : "JPEG",
-                'tif' : "TIFF",
-                'gif' : "GIF",
-                'wbmp': None,
-                'bmp' : "BMP"}
-        for f in fmap.keys():
-            if format.lower().find(f) > -1:
-                    return fmap[f]
-        return None
-    def calcFormat(self, formats):
-        """
-        Calculate the preferred image format
-        formats -- list of formates as returned by the WMS server
-        The following priority is used:
-        - PNG
-        - JPEG
-        - TIFF
-        - GIF
-        - BMP
-        If no matching format was found, None, None will be returned.
-        An exception rule is implemented in order to not accept
-        image/wbmp or WBMP which refers to WAP bitmap format and is
-        not supported by the included render engine.
-        """
-        prio = ['jpeg', 'bmp']
-        for p in prio:
-            for f in formats:
-                if f.lower().find(p) > -1:
-                    if f.lower().find('wbmp') == -1:
-                        return f, self.getFormat(f)
-        return None, None
-    def GetMapImg(self, width, height, bbox):
-        bbox_dict = { 'minx': bbox[0], 'miny': bbox[1],
-                      'maxx': bbox[2], 'maxy': bbox[3] }
-        # Change the cursor to demonstrate that we're busy but working
-        ThubanBeginBusyCursor()
-        wmsclient = WMSClient()
-        epsg_id = int(self.GetProjection().EPSGCode())
-        wms_response = wmsclient.getMap(self.url, self.wmsformat, width, height,
-                                   epsg_id, bbox_dict,
-                                   [self.layer_name], version = self.capabilities.getVersion())
-        ThubanEndBusyCursor()
-        return wms_response, self.format
 def render_wms_layer(renderer, layer):

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