drawshape "deficiencies"

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Wed Dec 29 05:14:54 CET 2004

Hmmm....  I see no reason why drawshape couldn't be extended to handle
points and lines.  It just needs to understand whether the selected
layer consists of points, lines, or polygons, as opposed to its
current assumption of polygons.

Also (and this is more serious) there needs to be a way to delete the
most recent point.  The problem is not giving the user a way to do it.
The problem is giving them a way to do it without forcing them to read
the documentation.  For example, we could let Delete remove the most
recent point.  How are they going to know that they should resort to
the keyboard?  Perhaps we could make a sub-menu off Experimental/Shape
Draw Tool that gives them a mouseable command, but which also tells
them that Delete deletes.  Or we could let shift-click delete the most
recent point?  Or maybe we need a generalized Edit menu, since we're
adding editing?  What if we had a cursor, which was a little circle
around the selected point(s)?  You could use the arrow to go from
point to line segment (circling both points) to point to line
segment.  If they clicked when only a point was selected, it would
move the point.  If they clicked when a line segment was selected, it
would split the line in half.

I have no idea of what is the best user interface for an editor.  All
suggestions gladly entertained!  I think maybe I should prototype it
in mapviewer.

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