[bug #2559] (thuban) can't zoom after opening a session
Request Tracker
thuban-bugs at intevation.de
Tue Jul 27 06:53:30 CEST 2004
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2559
Subject: can't zoom after opening a session
Operating System: GNU/Linux, suse 9.1
Thuban version: 1.0rc1
Python version: 2.3.3
GDAL version: 1.1.9
Create a map and zoom in on part of the map. Then save the session. Now close Thuban. Start Thuban and open the saved session. The map is initially zoomed very far out (can barely even make out where the map features are). Try to zoom in closer. You can zoom a few times, but it won't let you get nearly as close as you could before saving the session. Attempts to zoom futher just cause the map to recenter and redraw but you don't get any closer.
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