jan: thuban/Extensions/ogr ogrshapes.py,1.6,1.7
cvs at intevation.de
Thu Apr 28 11:39:10 CEST 2005
Author: jan
Update of /thubanrepository/thuban/Extensions/ogr
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv31419
Modified Files:
Log Message:
(OGRFileShapeStore): New. This
class ist to be used for any file-based shape stores
accessed through OGR.
Index: ogrshapes.py
RCS file: /thubanrepository/thuban/Extensions/ogr/ogrshapes.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- ogrshapes.py 4 Mar 2005 15:07:59 -0000 1.6
+++ ogrshapes.py 28 Apr 2005 09:39:08 -0000 1.7
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
from Thuban.Model.data import RAW_PYTHON, RAW_SHAPEFILE, RAW_WKT
+from Thuban.Model.data import FileShapeStore
def has_ogr_support():
"""Return whether this Thuban instance supports ogr file formats
@@ -229,8 +230,16 @@
class OGRShapeStore:
"""Corresponds to an OGRLayer object, containing features/shapes and
providing the same methods like ShapefileStore.
+ In fact, for all file based shape stores, the class OGRFileShapeStore
+ should be used. Only database shape stores should be
+ used with OGRShapeStore. It is subject to re-factoring
+ to end up with better class names and sensible base classes.
+ # TODO: re-factor this class to be not responsible for file-based
+ # stores anymore.
def __init__(self, session, filename, layername, id_column = None):
"""Initialize the shapestore.
@@ -414,6 +423,172 @@
"""Return the id_column.
return self.id_column
+class OGRFileShapeStore(FileShapeStore):
+ """Corresponds to an OGRLayer object, containing features/shapes and
+ providing the same methods like ShapefileStore.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, session, filename, layername, id_column = None):
+ """Initialize the shapestore.
+ All required information is loaded from the datasource.
+ """
+ self._bbox = None
+ self.ogrdatasource = ogr.Open(filename)
+ # filetype is depending on the driver used to open the file.
+ self._filetype = self.ogrdatasource.GetDriver().GetName()
+ if self._filetype == 'ESRI Shapefile':
+ self._filetype = "shapefile"
+ FileShapeStore.__init__(self, filename,
+ sublayer_name = layername)
+ self.ogrlayer = (self.ogrdatasource).GetLayerByName(layername)
+ self._table = OGRTable(session, self.ogrdatasource, self.ogrlayer,
+ id_column)
+ self._open_ogrlayer(layername)
+ def _open_ogrlayer(self, layername):
+ """Get all required information from the datasource.
+ """
+ self.numshapes = self.ogrlayer.GetFeatureCount()
+ self.shapetype = self.ogrlayer.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType()
+ extent = self.ogrlayer.GetExtent()
+ if extent:
+ self._bbox = [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]
+ else:
+ self._bbox = None
+ try:
+ self.shapetype = ogrlib_shapetypes[self.shapetype]
+ except:
+ # if shapetype is not contained in ogrlib_shapetypes
+ # treat it like SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN
+ self.shapetype = ogrlib_shapetypes[ogr.wkbUnknown]
+ self.shapes = self.shapes()
+ def FileType(self):
+ """Return the filetype."""
+ return self._filetype
+ def BoundingBox(self):
+ """Return the bounding box of the shapes in the shape file.
+ The coordinate system used is whatever was used in the shape file.
+ If the shape file is empty, return None.
+ """
+ return self._bbox
+ def shapes(self):
+ """Return a collection of all features as OGRShape objects.
+ """
+ shapes = {}
+ self.ogrlayer.ResetReading()
+ nextFeature = self.ogrlayer.GetNextFeature()
+ while nextFeature is not None:
+ fid = nextFeature.GetFID()
+ shape = OGRShape(self, nextFeature)
+ shapes[shape.ShapeID()] = shape
+ nextFeature = self.ogrlayer.GetNextFeature()
+ return shapes
+ def OGRLayer(self):
+ """Return the OGRLayer object
+ """
+ return self.ogrlayer
+ def ShapeType(self):
+ """Return the type of the shapes in the shapestore.
+ """
+ return self.shapetype
+ def RawShapeFormat(self):
+ """Return the raw data format of the shape data, i.e. RAW_PYTHON
+ """
+ return RAW_PYTHON
+ def NumShapes(self):
+ """Return the number of shapes in the shape store
+ """
+ return self.numshapes
+ def ShapesInRegion(self, bbox):
+ """Return an iterable over the shapes that overlap the bounding box.
+ The bbox parameter should be the bounding box as a tuple in the
+ form (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in the coordinate system of the
+ shape store.
+ """
+ left, bottom, right, top = bbox
+ # create a geometry which can be passed to the layer as spatial filter
+ bboxpolygon = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(
+ ('Polygon((%s %s, %s %s, %s %s,%s %s, %s %s))'
+ %(left, bottom, left, top, right, top,
+ right, bottom, left, bottom)))
+ if self.ogrlayer.GetSpatialRef():
+ bboxpolygon.AssignSpatialReference(self.ogrlayer.GetSpatialRef())
+ self.ogrlayer.ResetReading()
+ #ogrlayer.SetSpatialFilterRect(left, bottom, right, top)
+ self.ogrlayer.SetSpatialFilter(bboxpolygon)
+ numFeatures = self.ogrlayer.GetFeatureCount()
+ # if no features are in bbox, return all features as shapesInRegion
+ # (PostGIS sometimes returns no features even if they are within
+ # the bounding box)
+ if numFeatures == 0:
+ self.ogrlayer.SetSpatialFilter(None)
+ numFeatures = self.ogrlayer.GetFeatureCount()
+ for feature in range(numFeatures):
+ nextFeature = self.ogrlayer.GetNextFeature()
+ yield self.shapes[nextFeature.GetFID()]
+ self.ogrlayer.SetSpatialFilter(None)
+ bboxpolygon.Destroy()
+ def AllShapes(self):
+ """Return an iterable over the shapes in the shape store.
+ """
+ for id in range(len(self.shapes)):
+ yield self.shapes[id]
+ def Shape(self, fid):
+ """Return the shape with fid = fid
+ """
+ if fid in self.Table().ids.keys():
+ return self.shapes[fid]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def Table(self):
+ """Return the table containing the attribute data."""
+ return self._table
+ def Dependencies(self):
+ """Return the empty tuple.
+ """
+ return ()
+ def OrigShapeStore(self):
+ """Return None."""
+ return None
+ def Id_column(self):
+ """Return the id_column.
+ """
+ return None
class OGRTable(transientdb.AutoTransientTable):
"""A Table for an ogr datasource.
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