Introduce FileShapeStore

Bernhard Herzog bh at
Mon Mar 14 21:11:33 CET 2005

Jan-Oliver Wagner <jan at> writes:

> +class FileShapeStore:
> +
> +    def layerName(self):

Why is this not spelled LayerName or layer_name?  LayerName would be
consistent with the other public methods.  If we want to start with the
lower-case names we should prefer lower_case_with underscore over
mixedCase because that's what Python's PEP 8 suggests as well and
because I like it better, too :)

> +    def setTable(self, table):
> +        """Set the table containing the attribute data."""
> +        self._table = table
> +
> +    def Table(self):
> +        """Return the table containing the attribute data."""
> +        return self._table

I don't think these should be in the base class.  They are suitable for
the ShapefileStore and currently also the OGRShapeStore, but for the
PostGISShapeStore these implementations would be useless.  A
PostGISShapeStore is its own table so the Table method simply returns
self.  The OGRShapeStore would be better off using the same design, I
think, leaving only the ShapefileStore with a distinct table object.

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