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Social and Political
Aspects of Free Software

KDE User and Administrator Conference
2004 KDE Community World Summit, Ludwigsburg 28th of August 2004

Bernhard Reiter
<bernhard.reiter@intevation.de>Free Software Foundation Europe -- Coordinator for Germany
Intevation GmbH -- Managing Director

(page 1)

Computer Power (and Human Reason?)

(page 2)

What is Free Software?

(page 3)


(page 4)

Categories of Free Software Licenses

(page 5)


Free Software or the translation

Libre Software

Open Source

(page 6)

Open Source, a failed marketing term

The Open Source Initiative is a marketing program for free software. It's a pitch for "free software" on solid pragmatic grounds rather than ideological tub-thumping. The winning substance has not changed, the losing attitude and symbolism have.


OSI (1998)

Bruce Perens (1999)
It is time to talk about Freedom again.

"What use are open sources with out freedom?"

(page 7)

Confusing? terms for Free Software

Libre Software

Open Source


(page 8)

What is the difference?

for specific software X:

as a political statement:

(page 9)

Social aspects

(page 10)

Freedom to study in education

Take your software home!
Teach your family!

(page 11)

Political aspects

Governments are themselves "just users"

From Democracy to Technocracy:

(page 12)

Software Patents

increasing the "viral" effect of proprietary software,
creating monopolies harming all of national economy.

a basic for Open Standards,
reducing communication and competition.

hitting proprietary and Free Software
damaging people that depend on IT

(page 13)

A warning from 1991:

"If people had understood how patents would be granted when
most of today's ideas were invented and had taken out patents,
the industry would be at a complete stand-still today. [...]
A future start-up with no patents of its own will be forced
to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose. That price
might be high: Established companies have an interest in
excluding future competitors."

William H. Gates
Internal Microsoft Memo (1991)
[Fred Warshofsky, The Patent Wars (1994)]

Legal fees are $600,000. Current funds are $400,000.
You've gone broke!

Do you want to play Patent Adventure again?> DEFINITELY NOT


(page 14)

(Damn) Restriction Management

(page 15)

Further reading

(page 16)


Bernhard Reiter <reiter@fsfeurope.org>
Werner Koch <koch@fsfeurope.org>


Georg Greve <greve@fsfeurope.org>
Jonas Öberg <oberg@fsfeurope.org>



(Spenden steuerlich abzugsfähig in Deutschland)

(page 17)