spanish .po?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Jan 29 09:34:01 CET 2002

Hello Carlos,

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 08:57:36AM +0100, ccarleos at wrote:
> Hello. I intend to use "statist" as a replacement to closed software we
> use in our classes of statistics. I think I do need a translation to
> Spanish of the interface, so
> 1. I have read the mailing list and it seems nobody has contributed a
> "po" file to any language. Right?

You are right.
We did not manage to use the real gettext version yet.

> 2. I have never used "gettext" before. When trying to run "xgettext" on
> "statist" sources, messages longer than a line (I mean, that use a
> backslash to escape the carriage return) cause errors. Do not know how
> to manage that.

I have to look into that. It might be the case that we need to
connect the lines or check if this is an error with xgettext.
However I do not know when I have time to deal with this,
so help is appreciated.

> 3. As I begin my classes very soon, I have started to translate the
> messages on their place in sources -> not using gettext. I hope later,
> with a little Perl or a proper use of xgettext, will be easy to create
> the ".po" file.

This is fine for you purposes.
Please send me a patch against 1.0.1 so I can make it available for
other people.

> 4. I am obliged to use MS-DOS or Windows (will try FreeDOS) in my
> classes. I have compiled the 1.0.1 version of statist with DJGPP, and it
> works fine. But, what about international encoding in DOS? Latin 1
> (iso-8859-1) corresponds with cp1252, doesn't it? Any suggestions for
> this job? (I have thought about using "cstocs", by Jan Kasprzak and Jan
> Pazdziora, to convert the sources before compiling in DOS; sorry, I did
> not say that I usually work in a Debian system).

It has been a long time since I've had to use DOS, so I cannot tell.
Converting the sources and compiling them should get you results
through trail and error.

> Thanks for any advice. And for your work. "statist" is a very useful
> tool in many occasions.

I am happy to hear that! :)

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