Translating Shape Data to the Screen

Frederick C.Lee fclee at
Fri Apr 15 18:04:20 CEST 2005

	I just installed Thuban code but am currently having trouble building 
it on my Mac OS X (10.3.8)/Darwin.  I'm currently setting up 
environment variables, etc. so Python (2.4) and PythonWx can see 
everything.   That said, I need to know which Thuban module actually 
translates the ShapLib coordinates into on-screen coordinates.

	The following is a piece of a <file>.shp dump:

	Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 661

File Bounds: (-2168511.500,  417031.562,0,0)
          to  ( 1492183.500, 2379070.500,0,0)

Shape:0 (Polygon)  nVertices=4, nParts=1
   Bounds:(  -91599.203, 2376631.000, 0, 0)
       to (  -89468.781, 2379070.500, 0, 0)
      (  -91599.203, 2376631.000, 0, 0) Ring
      (  -90551.562, 2379070.500, 0, 0)
      (  -89468.781, 2378232.500, 0, 0)
      (  -91599.203, 2376631.000, 0, 0)

I want to view the code that translates this data to the screen.

Which module actually does this?
Also, any coordination code (and significance) between data from the 
.dbf with .shp would be truly appreciated.

Again, Your help would truly be appreciated.

Best Regards,


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