Translating Shape Data to the Screen

Bernhard Herzog bh at
Thu Apr 21 20:26:53 CEST 2005

Frederick C.Lee <fclee at> writes:

>  I need to know which
> 	Thuban module actually translates the ShapLib coordinates into
> 	on-screen coordinates.
> Which module actually does this?

There are several places in the code, depending on which aspect of this
translation you need.  Most of the code is in Thuban/UI/ and
Thuban/UI/  For shapefiles in particular, there's also
some C++ code in libraries/thuban/wxproj.cpp that reads the data from
the shapefiles, transforms it and passes it to wxWidgets.

> Also, any coordination code (and significance) between data from the
> .dbf with .shp would be truly appreciated.

Not sure what you're after here exactly.  The code for the
classifications is in the renderers mentioned above and in
Thuban/Model/  Shapefile specific code is in
Thuban/Model/ which provides some abstraction on top of shapelib.


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