layer properties dialog

Jonathan Coles jonathan at
Fri Jan 21 16:50:03 CET 2005

it was mentioned in RF#2302, the raster layer properties dialog should
have more information in it. i've been looking into this because i need
to have a place where the user can select which color to use as the
masking color (this depends on the colors used in the image, so it
should be user changable). 

one big point that stood right out, was that one dialog box is used for
all the kinds of layers. this might make sense with the point, vector,
and polygon layers since they all come from shapefiles. however, a
raster layer is completely different and should not share the same code.
the current setup is extremely fragile and will break from the simplest
thing: if someone clicks on 'revert' after changing the name of the
raster layer, for example. (yes, i do realize i wrote most of this

because of the classmapper code, it is very easy to have a different
dialog box open depending on what kind of layer it is. currently, it is
set to open the Classifer dialog for both general Layers and

if there is no objection to this, i'm going to start writing a new
dialog box for raster layers which will show as much information about
the layer as there is. 

i'll also look at creating a generic properties dialog which is extended
for other types of layers. that way, all information that every layer
has (title, projection, etc.) can be displayed and then anything that is
specific to the layer type can come after (classification, mask color
selection, etc).


 Jonathan Coles                     
 jonathan at                    GnuPG Key: /gpg_pub_key.asc

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