January 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jan 3 11:19:45 CET 2005
Ending: Mon Jan 31 23:48:22 CET 2005
Messages: 296
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- MacOSX status and wx 2.5
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- wx2.5
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- wx2.5
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- wx2.5
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- roadmap question
Daniel Calvelo Aros
- Status: Layer organisation
Chris Barker
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,1.35,1.36
Chris Barker
- MacOSX status and wx 2.5
Chris Barker
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jonathan Coles
- new raster code
Jonathan Coles
- new raster code
Jonathan Coles
- undo?
Jonathan Coles
- [Fwd: Re: new raster code]
Jonathan Coles
- layer properties dialog
Jonathan Coles
- bounding boxes
Jonathan Coles
- [Thuban-list] New Raster code in CVS
Jonathan Coles
- bounding boxes
Jonathan Coles
- [Thuban-devel] bounding boxes
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Jonathan Coles
- jonathan: thuban/test test_load_1_0_1.py, NONE, 1.1 test_baserenderer.py, 1.8, 1.9 test_layer.py, 1.32, 1.33 test_load.py, 1.43, 1.44 test_save.py, 1.33, 1.34
Jonathan Coles
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jonathan Coles
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Jonathan Coles
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.2,1.3
Jonathan Coles
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Jonathan Coles
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Jonathan Coles
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.2,1.3
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- multiple rasters
Jonathan Coles
- wx2.5
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- recent changes
Jonathan Coles
- roadmap question
Jonathan Coles
- roadmap question
Jonathan Coles
- roadmap question
Jonathan Coles
- rt#2947 (was: recent changes)
Jonathan Coles
- frank: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.135,1.136
Bernhard Herzog
- [Thuban-devel] scaling
Bernhard Herzog
- multiple rasters && mapview
Bernhard Herzog
- multiple rasters && mapview
Bernhard Herzog
- missing projection alert
Bernhard Herzog
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
Bernhard Herzog
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,1.34,1.35
Bernhard Herzog
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
Bernhard Herzog
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
Bernhard Herzog
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
Bernhard Herzog
- undo?
Bernhard Herzog
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Herzog
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Herzog
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
Bernhard Herzog
- Fwd: ogr extension
Bernhard Herzog
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Bernhard Herzog
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Bernhard Herzog
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Bernhard Herzog
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Bernhard Herzog
- jonathan: thuban/test test_load_1_0_1.py, NONE, 1.1 test_baserenderer.py, 1.8, 1.9 test_layer.py, 1.32, 1.33 test_load.py, 1.43, 1.44 test_save.py, 1.33, 1.34
Bernhard Herzog
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Bernhard Herzog
- jonathan: thuban/test test_load_1_0_1.py, NONE, 1.1 test_baserenderer.py, 1.8, 1.9 test_layer.py, 1.32, 1.33 test_load.py, 1.43, 1.44 test_save.py, 1.33, 1.34
Bernhard Herzog
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Herzog
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Herzog
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Herzog
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Herzog
- Fwd: ogr extension
Bernhard Herzog
- Fwd: ogr extension
Nina Hüffmeyer
- Fwd: ogr extension
Nina Hüffmeyer
- frank: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.135,1.136
Frank Koormann
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Frank Koormann
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Frank Koormann
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Frank Koormann
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Frank Koormann
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Frank Koormann
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Moritz Lennert
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Moritz Lennert
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Moritz Lennert
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Moritz Lennert
- recent changes
Lorenzo Moretti
- multiple rasters && mapview
Russell Nelson
- multiple rasters && mapview
Russell Nelson
- scaling
Russell Nelson
- [Thuban-devel] scaling
Russell Nelson
- very slow development
Russell Nelson
- very slow development
Russell Nelson
- [Thuban-devel] scaling
Russell Nelson
- multiple rasters && mapview
Russell Nelson
- multiple rasters && mapview
Russell Nelson
- multiple rasters && mapview
Russell Nelson
- 089map.zip broken?
Russell Nelson
- "fixing" Projections dialog
Russell Nelson
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
Russell Nelson
- Zooming and projection problems (was: Success (sort-of)!)
Russell Nelson
- undo?
Russell Nelson
- undo!
Russell Nelson
- undo?
Russell Nelson
- bounding boxes
Russell Nelson
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
Russell Nelson
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.2,1.3
Russell Nelson
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.2,1.3
Russell Nelson
- gdal rpms für fedora?
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- multiple rasters
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- recent changes
Russell Nelson
- roadmap question
Russell Nelson
- a question about my mapviewer program
Silke Reimer
- multiple rasters && mapview
Silke Reimer
- ogr: loading extenstion
Silke Reimer
- a question about my mapviewer program
Bernhard Reiter
- grid for finite elements
Bernhard Reiter
- drawshape "deficiencies"
Bernhard Reiter
- speed of raster repainting
Bernhard Reiter
- Status: Layer organisation
Bernhard Reiter
- multiple rasters && mapview
Bernhard Reiter
- very slow development
Bernhard Reiter
- learning more about wxpython
Bernhard Reiter
- drawshap.diff (was: a question about my mapviewer program)
Bernhard Reiter
- missing projection alert
Bernhard Reiter
- missing projection alert
Bernhard Reiter
- very slow development
Bernhard Reiter
- 089map.zip broken?
Bernhard Reiter
- Zooming and projection problems (was: Success (sort-of)!)
Bernhard Reiter
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
Bernhard Reiter
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,1.34,1.35
Bernhard Reiter
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
Bernhard Reiter
- [solved] Re: 089map.zip broken?
Bernhard Reiter
- "fixing" Projections dialog
Bernhard Reiter
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
Bernhard Reiter
- new raster code
Bernhard Reiter
- undo!
Bernhard Reiter
- new raster code
Bernhard Reiter
- undo!
Bernhard Reiter
- new raster code
Bernhard Reiter
- russell: thuban/Resources/Projections defaults.proj,1.9,1.10
Bernhard Reiter
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Bernhard Reiter
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Bernhard Reiter
- MacOSX status and wx 2.5
Bernhard Reiter
- new raster code
Bernhard Reiter
- undo?
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- [Thuban-list] tests for Daniel Cavelo's classifiers
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Bernhard Reiter
- [Thuban-list] Re: Experimental Mandrake 10.0 package
Bernhard Reiter
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Reiter
- ogr: encoding warnings
Bernhard Reiter
- HEAD on Mandrake: ok
Bernhard Reiter
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Reiter
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Reiter
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Reiter
- Directly in CVS? (Re: raster layer properties and mask patches)
Bernhard Reiter
- gdal rpms für fedora?
Bernhard Reiter
- [bug #2947] (thuban) gdal problem not noticed by Thuban
Bernhard Reiter
- recent changes
Bernhard Reiter
- recent changes
Bernhard Reiter
- recent changes
Bernhard Reiter
- multiple rasters
Bernhard Reiter
- CVS branch for wx2.5 porting? (Re: wx2.5)
Bernhard Reiter
- rt#2947 (was: recent changes)
Bernhard Reiter
- wxMask problems (was: recent changes)
Bernhard Reiter
- wxMask problems
Bernhard Reiter
- wxMask problems (was: recent changes)
Bernhard Reiter
- very slow development
Martin Schulze
- [Thuban-devel] layer properties dialog
Martin Schulze
- [bug #2883] (thuban) Identify/Search: KeyError on unclassified point layers
Request Tracker
- [bug #2901] (thuban) Duplicate Layer doesn't copy classification field (column)
Request Tracker
- [bug #2909] (thuban) ums_mapserver extension: cannot save mapfile twice
Request Tracker
- [bug #2910] (thuban) about dialog crashes when changing locale to
Request Tracker
- [bug #2912] (thuban) An unhandled exception occurred:long int too large to convert to int
Request Tracker
- [bug #2913] (thuban) Thuban 1.0.1 crash on startup
Request Tracker
- [bug #2914] (thuban) Thuban 1.0.1 crash when loading SHAPE file
Request Tracker
- [bug #2921] (thuban) panning with middle button not working without active tool
Request Tracker
- [bug #2922] (thuban) move layer projection warning code to a correct place
Request Tracker
- [bug #2928] (thuban) update link to free worlddata to link 0.2
Request Tracker
- [bug #2929] (thuban) Better build dependencies
Request Tracker
- [bug #2930] (thuban) tests fail badly when Data with iceland is missing.
Request Tracker
- [bug #2931] (thuban) Thuban 1.0.1mdk crashes X-Server with Raster data: signal 11
Request Tracker
- [bug #2938] (thuban)
Request Tracker
- [bug #2940] (thuban) Err msg and freeze while dragging the left column border in the main app. window
Request Tracker
- [bug #2947] (thuban) gdal problem not noticed by Thuban
Request Tracker
- [bug #2950] (thuban) thuban crashes while opening session
Request Tracker
- [bug #2951] (thuban) Sind Sie arbeitslos?
Request Tracker
- [Thuban-devel] scaling
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- multiple rasters && mapview
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [Thuban-devel] layer properties dialog
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [Thuban-devel] Re: MacOSX status and wx 2.5
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [Thuban-devel] bounding boxes
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- raster layer properties and mask patches
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- RFC: ClassGroupPattern
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- CVS branch for wx2.5 porting? (Re: wx2.5)
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- roadmap question
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- frank: thuban/Thuban/UI renderer.py,1.52,1.53
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban ChangeLog,1.752,1.753
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.135,1.136
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban ChangeLog,1.753,1.754
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.128,
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.624.2.31,1.624.2.32
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.136,1.137
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban ChangeLog,1.754,1.755
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Doc/manual thuban-manual-de.xml,1.6,1.7
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.755,1.756
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban/Extensions/mouseposition - New directory
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban/Extensions/mouseposition __init__.py, NONE, 1.1 mouseposition.py, NONE, 1.1 position.xpm, NONE, 1.1
cvs at intevation.de
- frank: thuban ChangeLog,1.756,1.757
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI about.py,1.18,1.19
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.757,1.758
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.758,1.759
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,1.34,1.35
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,1.35,1.36
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.759,1.760
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.760,1.761
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI about.py,1.19,1.20
cvs at intevation.de
- russell: thuban ChangeLog,1.761,1.762
cvs at intevation.de
- russell: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.137,1.138
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.762,1.763
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.138,1.139
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.763,1.764
cvs at intevation.de
- russell: thuban/Resources/Projections defaults.proj,1.9,1.10
cvs at intevation.de
- russell: thuban ChangeLog,1.764,1.765
cvs at intevation.de
- russell: thuban ChangeLog,1.765,1.766
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,1.139,1.140
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.766,1.767
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban/Resources/Projections defaults.proj,1.9,
cvs at intevation.de
- bernhard: thuban ChangeLog,1.624.2.32,1.624.2.33
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/Thuban/UI baserenderer.py, 1.13, 1.14 renderer.py, 1.53, 1.54
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban ChangeLog,1.767,1.768 setup.py,1.46,1.47
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp, 1.1, 1.2 bmpdataset.cpp, 1.1, NONE cpl_mfile.cpp, 1.2, NONE cpl_mfile.h, 1.2, NONE
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/test test_baserenderer.py,1.7,1.8
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Thuban/UI mainwindow.py,,
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.624.2.33,1.624.2.34
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Thuban/UI classgen.py,,
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.624.2.34,1.624.2.35
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.768,1.769
cvs at intevation.de
- bh: thuban/test postgissupport.py,1.13,1.14
cvs at intevation.de
- bh: thuban ChangeLog,1.769,1.770
cvs at intevation.de
- bh: thuban/Thuban/UI viewport.py, 1.19, 1.20 mainwindow.py, 1.140, 1.141
cvs at intevation.de
- bh: thuban ChangeLog,1.770,1.771
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/test postgissupport.py,,
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.624.2.35,1.624.2.36
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban/Extensions/ogr/sampleFiles - New directory
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban/Doc/manual thuban-manual-de.xml,1.7,1.8
cvs at intevation.de
- jan: thuban ChangeLog,1.771,1.772
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban ChangeLog,1.772,1.773
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban/Extensions/ogr __init__.py, 1.1, 1.2 ogrshapes.py, 1.3, 1.4 ogrstart.py, 1.2, 1.3
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban/Extensions/ogr/test test_OGRShapestore.py, 1.2, 1.3
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.2,1.3
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/Thuban/Model layer.py, 1.60, 1.61 load.py, 1.52, 1.53 save.py, 1.41, 1.42
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban ChangeLog,1.773,1.774
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/Thuban/UI layerproperties.py, NONE, 1.1 rasterlayerproperties.py, NONE, 1.1 baserenderer.py, 1.14, 1.15 classifier.py, 1.69, 1.70 mainwindow.py, 1.141, 1.142 renderer.py, 1.54, 1.55
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/test test_load_1_0_1.py, NONE, 1.1 test_baserenderer.py, 1.8, 1.9 test_layer.py, 1.32, 1.33 test_load.py, 1.43, 1.44 test_save.py, 1.33, 1.34
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban ChangeLog,1.774,1.775
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/Thuban/Model layer.py, 1.61, 1.62 load.py, 1.53, 1.54 save.py, 1.42, 1.43
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.3,1.4
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/Thuban/UI baserenderer.py, 1.15, 1.16 renderer.py, 1.55, 1.56
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/test test_baserenderer.py, 1.9, 1.10 test_layer.py, 1.33, 1.34 test_load.py, 1.44, 1.45 test_save.py, 1.34, 1.35 test_load_1_0_1.py, 1.1, NONE
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban/libraries/thuban gdalwarp.cpp,1.4,1.5
cvs at intevation.de
- jonathan: thuban ChangeLog,1.775,1.776
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban/Extensions/ogr ogrdialog.py, NONE, 1.1 __init__.py, 1.2, 1.3
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban ChangeLog,1.776,1.777
cvs at intevation.de
- nhueffme: thuban/Extensions/ogr/test test_OGRShapestore.py, 1.3, 1.4
cvs at intevation.de
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 23:48:22 CET 2005
Archived on: Thu Jun 7 16:38:32 CET 2018
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