bounding boxes

Jonathan Coles jonathan at
Sat Jan 22 00:09:00 CET 2005

do all layers have bounding boxes? i would think so, but i just wanted
to check. if so, what are people's thoughts on adding BoundingBox and
LatLongBoundingBox into BaseLayer? both functions exist in Layer,
RasterLayer, and wmsLayer, and it would be nice to be able to assume
that all layers have these functions implemented in some way. 

i'm asking because i'd like to make the bounding boxes standard in the
properties dialog.

in the same vein, i've added a funtion called Type() in BaseLayer which
returns a string representing the type of the layer. For instance,
"Unknown", "Image", or whatever kind of shape layer it is.


 Jonathan Coles                     
 jonathan at                    GnuPG Key: /gpg_pub_key.asc

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